This book is for people who want to learn, especially while treading the fertile ground of organizational life. It is for people who want to make their organizations more effective, while realizing…
In today's highly competitive, globalized higher education market, higher education leaders and managers have to address such issues as widening participation, the potential of new technologies, qu…
The field of organisational behaviour encompasses the study of the behaviour of people at work from the point of view of individuals, groups and organisational systems. Now in its third edition, Or…
Sebagaimana halnya pimpinan organisasi lainnya, pemimpin pemerintahan diperhadapkan pula pada berbagai keadaan dan tantangan dalam memimpin organisasi pemerintahan. Pemimpin pemerintahan dituntut u…
Buku ini ditulis dengan tujuan untuk mengenalkan secara mudah beberapa macam segi kepemimpinan di dalam administrasi. Sesuai dengan judulnya, uraian dalam buku ini bersifat pokok-pokok atau garis…
Coaching and mentoring as management approaches have spread rapidly across the Asia Pacific region. Basic concepts of supporting people in their learning, in their career journeys, and in the acqui…
Buku ini membahas mengenai sifat dan ciri-ciri pemimpin sejati dan bagaimana menyiapkannya. Diharapkan buku ini mampu melengkapi referensi manajemen yang ada, ditulis berdasarkan pengalaman akademi…
Kedua puluh lima CEO yang ditulis dalam buku ini hampir semua masih aktif memberikan dedikasinya pada berbagai organisasi. Bahkan sebagian malah mendapat tugas jauh lebih menantang dibanding ketika…
This book reveals the aspects of the management process that you must learn to become an effective manager. In our decision, we have kept in mind the decades-old filemma of whether to consider mana…
"Kepemimpinan Mengefektifkan Organisasi", uraian-uraian dalam membahas judul tersebut diawali dengan mengetengahkan hakikat dan kebutuhan (need) manusia yang melatarbelakangi kecenderungannya hidup…
Kepemimpinan berlangsung dalam kehidupan manusia sehari-hari. Kepemimpinan sebagai suatu proses dapat berlangsung di dalam dan di luar suatu organisasi. Kepemimpinan yang efektif merupakan pros…
Managing in the Public Sector is a casebook designed with maximum instructor flexibility and student engagement in mind. Featuring cases brief enough to be covered in the last few minutes of a clas…
As one of the largest economies in the world, China has attracted much research attention. Globalization has led to many changes in the country, not least in the nature of its employees expectation…
In this issue of the Asia Pasific Journal of Human Resources we present papers with a focus on the role and effects of human resource management and on line managers in the development and support …
When most of us think of augmented reality—if we think of it at all—we probably see Pokémon Go monsters or weird Snapchat filters. But AR, the technology that superimposes digital images on th…
Leadership 2030 is the result of a ground-breaking foresight research and analysis program conducted by Hay Group and Z_Punkt. The research identified 20 global megatrends, pinpointing the six t…
It’s pretty much a given in modern capitalism that managers’ top priority is maximizing value for shareholders. So when we publish articles about how to create a sustainable, long-term business…
Do CEOs know less than their employees about what’s really going on in the business? That’s one of the provocative questions raised this month by Hal Gregersen, executive director of the MIT Le…