As governments throughout the world experience increasing fiscal challenges, the pressures on public sectors to streamline services and harness technological advances is unprecedented. Many have un…
Theory and Practice of Public Sector Reform offers readers differing theoretical perspectives to help examine the process of public sector reform, combined with an overview of major trends in the c…
Menyusul pemberlakuan otonomi daerah dan penerapan good governance di Indonesia, muncul fenomena baru dalam kehidupan birokrasi. Berbagai lembaga pemerintah pun berlomba-lomba ingin menciptakan pel…
Public Relations (PR) pada dasarnya bertumpu pada komunikasi dan relasi. Melalui PR, organisasi berkomunikasi dan menjalin relasi dengan publik-publiknya. Dalam menjalin komunikasi dan relasi denga…
This book will guide you about the inside of Office of the Civil Service Commission in Nonthaburi, Thailand. The contents of this guide include Civil Service Commission (CSC) about, Duties and Resp…
Thailand was known for centuries by outsiders as Siam, a country as remote and exotic as Japan and China. It first made a real impression on the West at the end of the 17th century through the repo…
This updated edition of Marketing Management and Communications in the Public Sector provides a thorough overview of the major concepts in public sector marketing and communications, two fields tha…
Transformational Public Policy examines how governments can more effectively handle uncertainty and risk in an uncertain and changing world. Unpredictable and changing circumstances often bring nas…
A unique aspect of this volume vis-à-vis other textbooks is the extensive use of visuals. Artwork depicts bureaucratic issues, reinforcing each chapter’s themes and creating an informative and a…
Studi Kebijakan publik telah menjadi bidang penting baik dalam teori dan praktik maupun dalam dunia akademik. Perkembangan dan perubahan pesat dalam sector public dan sector privat yang mengarah ke…
Buku ini berisi penelaahan perkembangan (state of the art) dari Political Public Relations dilihat dari kajian akademis. Dalam bab pertama dibahas Political Public Relations serta isu-isu yang seri…
Pusat Perencanaan kegiatan Pubic Relations (PR) menurut Smith (2003:61) berfokus pada public kunci karena mereka merupakan pihak yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan organisasi, bahkan kelangsungan hidup…
Buku ini memfokuskan kepada pembahasan teknik-teknik menulis dan jenis-jenis produk tulisan sebagai media public relations dan publisitas. Tujuannya agar bisa digunakan sebagai sarana publisitas me…
Kehadiran public relations atau hubungan masyarakat (humas) di Indonesia sudah dimulai sejak tahun 1950-an. Namun pemahaman masyarakat terhadap profesi humas belum sepenuhnya benar. Persepsi masyar…
Popularitas institusi penyelenggara layanan publik yang berbentuk BLU/D masih kalah jauh dari BUMN/D. Bahkan dibandingkan dengan kelembagaan yang berbentuk BHMN seperti Perguruan Tinggi ataupun BPJ…
The Ministry of Personnel Management works hard to render the Korean civil service as effective and profesional as possible. Its primary mission is to practice impartial and transparent HRM, which …
Global politics have been transformed by revolution and reformation in the last two decades. As political systems crashed or teetered precariously and entire governments and national boundaries dis…
Managing and planning for Developing Performance is essential for individuals and teams to achieve their goals and contribute to the strategic priorities of the organisation. Used effectively, the …
In this report, House of Commons, Public Administration Select Committee focus on the relationship between ministers and officials, in which tensions have become more and more evident. This has bee…