This book gives an overview of the theories of tacit knowledge and explains how this relates to a background of philosophical, neurological, and pedagogie literature. The authors explain the import…
Buku “Manajemen Pengetahuan: Teori dan Praktik”ditulis sebagai respon dari fakta dan permasalahan yang terjadi seperti globaliasi bisnis, perampingan organisasi, dan perkembangan teknologi yang…
Pengetahuan (Knowledge) merupakan sumber daya penting bagi organisasi. Pengetahuan dapat diungkapkan, dibagikan, disimpan, dan dipindahkan ke konteks lain untuk mendapatkan pilihan-pilihan tindakan…
"Knowledge Management: Systems and Processes" is for students and managers who seek detailed insights into contemporary knowledge management (KM). It explains the concepts, theories, and technologi…
Knowledge Management (KM) has been growing in importance and popularity as a research topic since the mid 1990s. This is sufficient time for many organizations to implement KM initiatives and KM sy…
"Leading Organizational Learning" will help you, as leaders, understand how to locate, share, and use information more efficiently. This book will help you identify sources of learning inefficien…
Knowledge management as an organizational innovation has been with us for more than a decade. As a discipline, it has reached a state of maturity where we can now discern the principles, practices,…