Measuring The Return on Investment is essential for human resource executives, professionals, consultants, professors, and other managers concerned with the bottomline value the HR function brings …
Birokrasi yang efisien dan efektif dapat tersusun, apabila didukung kepemimpinan yang visioner dan memiliki personality, ability dan capability, toleransi dan integritasi yang tinggi, serta didukun…
Managing in the Public Sector is a casebook designed with maximum instructor flexibility and student engagement in mind. Featuring cases brief enough to be covered in the last few minutes of a clas…
Manajemen strategi merupakan aktivitas manajemen tertinggi yang biasanya disusun dewan direksi dan dilaksanakan oleh Chief Executive Officer (CEO) serta tim eksekutif organisasi/perusahaan. Manajem…
As one of the largest economies in the world, China has attracted much research attention. Globalization has led to many changes in the country, not least in the nature of its employees expectation…
In this issue of the Asia Pasific Journal of Human Resources we present papers with a focus on the role and effects of human resource management and on line managers in the development and support …
In this issue of the Asia Pasific Journal of Human Resources we present six papers with a focus on the current trends in HR and important Hr functional areas that area that are often underresearche…
As governments throughout the world experience increasing fiscal challenges, the pressures on public sectors to streamline services and harness technological advances is unprecedented. Many have un…
In this issue of the Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources we present six papers with a focus on the strategies designed to overcome the challenges faced by various groups of workers including pe…
When most of us think of augmented reality—if we think of it at all—we probably see Pokémon Go monsters or weird Snapchat filters. But AR, the technology that superimposes digital images on th…
Public sentiment about globalization has taken a sharp turn.The election of Donal Trump, Brexit, and the rise of ultra-right parties in europe are all signs of growing popular displeasure with the …
When Jeff Immelt announced that he was stepping down as chief executive of GE, the Wall Street view of his tenure was tepid. Analysts acknowledged his leadership through 9/11 and the Great Recessio…
It’s pretty much a given in modern capitalism that managers’ top priority is maximizing value for shareholders. So when we publish articles about how to create a sustainable, long-term business…
Orang dan nilai yang diciptakannya, adalah darah kehidupan dalam organisasi Anda. Orang-orang bertalenta adalah orang yang mampu menciptakan nilai-nilai penting bagi organisasi Anda. Manajemen tale…
Do CEOs know less than their employees about what’s really going on in the business? That’s one of the provocative questions raised this month by Hal Gregersen, executive director of the MIT Le…
Menyusul pemberlakuan otonomi daerah dan penerapan good governance di Indonesia, muncul fenomena baru dalam kehidupan birokrasi. Berbagai lembaga pemerintah pun berlomba-lomba ingin menciptakan pel…
Buku MANAJEMEN KINERJA PERUSAHAAN atau ORGANISASI dalam perspektif Islam ini sengaja disajikan secara khusus untuk para mahasiswa Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah/Islam dan praktisi bisnis baik pebisn…
Buku “Manajemen Pengetahuan: Teori dan Praktik”ditulis sebagai respon dari fakta dan permasalahan yang terjadi seperti globaliasi bisnis, perampingan organisasi, dan perkembangan teknologi yang…